I have my own opinions, but I would like your thoughts. Thanks!Do you think that people should come here to M%26amp;D for 'mature advice'?
Haha! I do think that M%26amp;D is the best Y/A has to offer. We may be blunt and totally off base at times but were honest. As far as mature well.... it not as bad as most of the other categories, at least were faithful.Do you think that people should come here to M%26amp;D for 'mature advice'?
Y.A. is kinda entertaining. I wouldn't come on here if there wasn't anything in it for me. Regarding your question though, If someone is going to come on and seek new ideas to help possibly solve their problems, then I would definitely choose the M%26amp;D section. Have you taken a browse through Singles and Dating....? I can barely get thru reading a question b/c it sounds like Im reading issues that some kinder-gardener or middle school kid post.
As for what other ';mature'; sections there are, try checking out philosophy under the arts and humanity tab. You would think R%26amp;S (religion and spirituality) would have mature adults but there is GROUPS of TROLLS dominating that area. And those trolls pretty much trash anything. I consider myself to be a Troll also, but due to my wife and my experiences, I have been refined, and I occasionally leave a profound response, but I always respond based on my experiences and/or what I think is best.
I try to give the regulars what they want and that is just to laugh at the crap life hands us and to those that I am not familiar with, I try not to give them advise that will cause them to drive 60mph in rush hour traffic to off themselves. I actually hate the thought of having to be mature about certain things, I hope you regulars don't try that bull with me, I don't want to go to Twitter, but, if you guys start being mature, I'll do it, dang it!
I'm 26 and dating, and come here not necessarily because it's more ';mature'; but because the advice is from people who have been there!
My generation has grown up with television, movies etc. painting an unrealistic view of love and marriage. I like getting my advice from married couples rather than singles, since many of them have made marriages work and are the ';true experts';.
It's enlightening. But definitely, there are immature married people too. I usually just skim through answers by people who don't seem to have very good values or a solid head on their shoulders!
Hope that answers your question.
I think people should feel free to come here for mature advice only if they want mature advice. If I don't think someone really wants advice and only wants to be validated, I'll answer however i see fit. If they ask a mature question and really want a mature response, I'll give them an honest answer or not answer at all if I don't feel my opinion is valid.
I do get sick of trolls who troll for trolling sake.
I think it's a good place to run a couple of things by people. My daughter (22) also has an account on here. Sometimes we debate about boyfriends, marriages, men in general and we'll decide to let Y/A people have an opinion.
It did once help my daughter dump a bad bf. For more then a month I had been telling her this guy was not into her for reasons A-B-C. She agreed to summarize her situation on here and 30 people answered the same thing I had been saying !! If you have 1 person telling you one thing they may be wrong but when you have 30 people all pointing to one conclusion you have to admit they may be making a good point!
I have myself exposed to you dear M%26amp;D users some of my questions and I always had great answers, some people on here do have good common sense.
I don't think they should come on here for answers but for second opinions certainly, why not!
anyone that gets advice from me, sweetie, is getting the real thing, the real truth and it is their lucky day they caught my fleeting attention.
as far as i am concerned, it is a lucky, good thing that people can, for free, put it up there and get life changing slaps on the head from people who actually will generously tell them like it is for real.
and i really do care. and i really am more mature than i ever wanted to be. and i come here because, well, it is so funny!!!!
is this the best the internet can do? i would say it is a breath of fresh air and yes it is a great thing.
wanna hear an observation? sometimes a REAL mature professional, someone who is hugely educated and sincere will stumble on here and try mightily to give professional and heartfelt advice, the type someone might pay 150$ an hour for year after year from someone, and, i notice they get frustrated and never last long. know why? they are no match for valeries common freaking sense and two sentence answers which cut to the chase and are the real truth.
ok, give me my usual thumbs down that all the people who are offended by me because i dont coddle complainers and idiots will give me. yawn.
Most of us like to have fun and enjoy each other's sense of humor. The very few times I've solicited real advice from you all, it has been mature, sincere, and helpful. The funny thing is that actually the best advice came from the regulars here (mostly the ones who 'know' me), the crappy advice came from people I'd never heard of.
I think that people can come for mature advice if they're going through something and would like another perspective. To follow that advice to the letter, without inserting some sense of intelligence is dumb though.
I usually give some thought to a question that seems serious but with bullshit questions, I give bullshit answers.
I learn a lot here, whether it be ';mature advice';, or just information!
As, long as it is handled, and written in a ';mature way';!
I see nothing wrong with it!
I am even able to add comments on occasion!
Maturity is relative so in comparison with some of the 10y/o yes, we are a mature bunch. But really my answers can go either way, based off what kind of day I'm having and if that man pissed me off or made me really happy...
I think I know what question you are referring to. I don't think everyone here has a more mature perspective but when you compare M%26amp;D to S%26amp;D, M%26amp;D is a lot better.
If phrased properly, a question could get lots of serious answers. Many of my questions may seem outlandish, but have a grain of truth that I'd like answered.
When people are asking GENUINE QUESTIONS I do give them honest answers that I think might help there situation.
But when people are asking j@ck@$$ questions then I am going to give them a smart @$$ answer.
I want to give mature advice and i want to receive mature advice.
(did that sound like it had sexual overtones?)
Sometimes people just want an unbiased opinion. They aren't looking for the sugar coated versions that they get with their friends. They want a reality check.
You can't get more mature advice anywhere else. .. besides P%26amp;S.
your question seems silly since you are a major contributor..
anywayz, dont know anything about mature...but,yeah, this is a great place to share thoughts.. mature or not , who cares?
I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would put there problems out there for every untrained - uneducated person to comment on - let alone actually take their advice when they don't know them
Kids come here to get a good laugh if they knew this is what their lives will be in a few years they would be crying instead of laughing
Warcraft Offtopic forums are more mature than here sometimes.
some people give real heart felt advice and some come here to fool around.. either way don't rely on Y/A to make life changing decisions..
yes, because i like giving mature advice to strangers i don't care about.
Since I dont understand all of your question I think I am inclined to agree with what you say..........
I think most of the guys on here are immature and give the rest of us a bad name lol.
I know I am just a B***H.
So, if your looking for B***hy advice, look no further!
I think they should get professional help,but if they did, we wouldn't have some smart a$$ answers to read woold we!
My sources tell me no.
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