I dont think you should ever stop giving advice, as long as you arent pushy with it.
Dont try to force your opinion onto him, he is old enough to make his own decisions, but he may appreciate a little loving advice every once in awhile.
I am 31 and am constantly getting advice from both parents.When should you stop giving your adult child advice?
He is still (always) your son and as long as the advice is sought and is in the best interest. You are both adults, YES however you have more experience and experience is the best educator, so hopefully he see's and acknowleges your life experience and at least considers the advise offered. But do keep in mind he is an adult and if he's self sufficient (living on his own) you should not expect him to always TAKE the advice you've offered, people do tend to want to make thier own mistakes sometimes(go figure right)
as your son gets older, you'll know when to give him advice, or when not to give him advice.. the way i see it is, he is your child and you will always want to give him advice no matter how old the both of you are.. i'm 23 and i run to my mom for all kinds of advice and sometimes i get irritated by her giving me advice, but at the end of they day, i always find that my mother is right.. well, at least, most of the time.. my 11 year old son loves to get advice from me.. he asks me questions like ';so you were my age when you had me?'; (i was his age when i had him) and ';how was it like?'; and loves to seek advice from me.. about what he should do in school when his two best friends are fighting or how he should tell a girl that he thinks she's pretty and stuff.. i'll always be there to give my son advice as long as i'm alive.. that's just natural instinct for me..
Well, I don't think he is ever to old to get advice. Just the other day we needed advice on how to fix our hot water tank. However sometimes parents of older children give unwanted advice and this can sometimes harm their relationship. If your son seems resentful of your advice maybe it's time to cut those apron strings and let him live and learn.
You can always offer advice to your children, but don't be surprised if they choose not to take it. My parents and my inlaws have advice about everything right now (We are expecting our first child), but they also let us take the advice at face value and make up our own minds. It's a give and take.
I am 24 and have been married for 2 years
I don't think you should ever stop. I think it's more about learning when to give it and when not to give it. I am 33 and as someone else stated, my mother is usually the first person I go to. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I don't. But I always come back 9 times out of 10 and tell her that she was right. Just remember, advice is one thing, telling what to do is another.
I'm 21 and my mom's the first person I go to for advice. Seems like she's right about pretty much everything. There's also a difference between giving advice because you're older and wiser and telling your child what to do. So, I honestly don't think anyone's ever too old for some good advice!
Honestly, I'm 29 and I'll never stop needing my mom and looking to her for advice. We children never stop needing you. Only thing is, and this applies to everyone in every situation, unless it's life threatening of course, just don't give advise where it's not warranted.
This really depends on what you mean by ';advice';. Advice is something that is sought by a person. If your son asks for advice until he's an old, wrinkly man...give it to him! However, some people become confused by SOLICITED and UNSOLICITED advice. I'm 33...and have recently stopped talking to my mother because of her ';advice';.
So to be on the safe side...if he asks your opinion, give it...if he doesn't...keep it to yourself. You'll both be much happier.
I think we can continue to offer them advice forever. We just have to understand that once they are out of the house and we don't support them anymore, they don't have to take our advice!
Never...people are always in need of advice no matter how old they are...you're asking for advice right now. Just make sure that the advice is solicited...that way it is appreciated.
never. people hardly ever admit it when they need help. people need their parents their entire life. maby not feeding or dressing them, but advice, alot!
I'm 45 %26amp; my mom is still giving me advice!!
I don't always want it, but she will always be my mom %26amp; free to speak her mind to me.
never, i hope they always need just a little something ... just make sure that you aren't butting in too often! lol (Sometimes I over parent!)
When he STARTS to ask ! He really doesn't want your advice, he wants you to agree with his idea/decision.
When they stop asking for it.
why would you want to stop?
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