Thursday, August 19, 2010

If you were President Bush's psychoanalyst, what advice would you give him?

Just for fun - no vitriolic politics here. Pretend you're inside his head, once a week for an hour. Our country is counting on you to help him help himself. Consider it a challenge.If you were President Bush's psychoanalyst, what advice would you give him?
Mr. Bush,

After extensive review and intense psychoanalysis, I would like to give you the results of your tests and our discussions.

Stress seems to prominant in your life, and with a country to run, it's no wonder! Media pressure, terrorists, floods and political cross fire would make anyone stressed out. I recommend more sleep and a more balanced diet, and possibly some yoga or relaxation techniques.

There also seems to be a problem with your nervous system. We have conducted several tests and determined that this problem centers in the speech centers of your brain. While your brain appears to be functioning properly, you are suffering from a severe speech impediment that seems to make you say things you don't really mean, confusing words and making up new ones which mean nothing to the general public, but make perfect sense to you. I would recommend speech therapy to correct this problem, though with all such nervous system disorders, there is no guarantee of a cure.

Also, there is a concern that due to the great stress and pressure you are under, you may in fact be displaying irrational tendencies towards meglomania and classic 'tantrum' throwing tendencies. Please do not take this as criticism; we understand you are very sensitive to such at the moment. But we do have grave concerns you are acting not out of sound rationality, but out of a need to 'prove' and 'justify' yourself to your own ego and that of the public that watches you so closely.

I recommend intense therapy and a three month stay in Iraq (with you leading the ground troops). This should cure you completely.If you were President Bush's psychoanalyst, what advice would you give him?
Please don't ever give another state of the union address !
I would like to help him sort out whatever issues he has with his father.
if i were Bush's psychoanalyst, my advice to him would be to find another job cuz he sux at this one!!! being inside his head would certainly be a challenge. First of all he would need to start here at home with helping his own ppl instead of giving money and support to other countries before his own. these United States should come long before anybody else. I dont care who it is!!! the Americans come first, then after that if there is anything left, put it where it needs to be.
ritalin, i dont know why it seems to me like he has ADHD
Listen to your handler......';sit, stay, speak, don't speak.';
Give up presidency
bush should saw his own balls off with a blunt rusty knife!
One would tell President Bush, to look for a God fearing man, woman or Catholic priest, with the ability to do an exorcism. Some times people that are not totally trusting in and relying on the Triune God and, have not really accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, will fall prey to people that have mastered the art of manipulation, just another word for witchcraft, voo doo, etc...etc... what ever people are calling it these days, the sad thing is that most people do not even realize they are under attack, or being used, then there are those that like the seemingly power the people that are manipulating them, has made them believe they both have. The only problem with them all is that one day they are going to stand before the Lord. The written word says that one is going to have to give account of every idle word they speak. One day people will be judged. Because they seem to be doing well, they think they are living in heaven on earth, because they are blinded by the false power; that will end because all evil ends here on our planet in our universe and, of course the end and beginning at the end. God is clear, God said, ';you shall reap if you faint not'; %26gt; here on our planet in our universe, That is if you are a believer, because to receive the promises of God you need faith, and believe God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, and act on His word, which means do it; then you truly will be living in heaven on earth and be happy; believe me when I say there is also a hell on earth; some people get confused because they think that heaven and hell are for eternity only%26gt;not. Again you may be happy here or not it is a choice. False happiness is not happiness, because the people that are doing the evil have to plot and plan they do not even realize they are in turmoil, really happy people just take a day at a time trusting in and relying on and loving the Triune God, and giving everything to the Triune God; because He is the only one that is able to help, yet He does use people and there is also devine intervention by the Triune God; but the devil uses people also. Me I would rather have the help of the Triune God; which is life now and everlasting, Not the false help the devil gives which only leads to death now and everlasting. Remember faith works by love, and God is Love, one is getting excited so one shall stop by praying we all learn how to make right choices and trust and have faith in the Triune God. My pastor put it like this once: J O Y = Jesus, Others, Yourself. 1+1+1=1. Love. So let us all accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ shed His precious blood for us all. Repent, confess, believe and be saved.

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